14 The allocation of the proceeds was deferred till the next meeting. Fixtures The fixtures for the forthcoming season were submitted and approved. The following arrangements were confirmed:- Dec 25th Everton v Liverpool at Goodison Park and Apl. 6th at Anfield. These gates to be pooled Apl. 9th Everton v Stockport County at Goodison Park and April 28th at Stockport. These gates also to be pooled. Dec 26th Everton v Stockport County at Stockport and January 1st at Goodison Park. In this case each Club to take its own gate. Entertainment's The Assistant Secretary read a letter from the Board of Tax Customs and Excise granting us permission to pay duty in weekly amounts on the basis of certified returns on a Bond being executed for £300, but that the Commissioners could not allow us to pay the duty in respect of Shareholders Season Tickets by means of adhesive stamps. That it would be necessary to include the duty in respect of such tickets in the remittance for the week during which they are issued. The Assistant Secretary reported that he received estimates for supplying 50 Japanned Tin plates for Entrance signs from Mr. John Walker at a cost of £1.17.6 and from Mr. R. W. Burnand at £2.10.0 and that on Mr. Kelly's instructions he had accepted the former estimate - his action was confirmed. That he had also received estimates for lettering all sign