252 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel October 8th 1918] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair Messrs H. Banks A. Coffey J. Davies J. G. Davies H. Halsall The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Kirsopp The Secretary having reported his conversation with Mr. Cutts hereon he was instructed to write the C.O. of the Scots Guards with a view to the release of Wm. Kirsopp to enable him to follow his former employ- ment at the Docks. The receipts on Saturday last were reported to be £2.7.4 & the tax thereon £-11-11 & on the sale of season tickets 6/5 the payment of the respective sums of 11/11 and 6/5 was confirmed. B. Kelly deced. Prior to the commencement of business the Chairman referred in a most impressive manner to the very great loss the Club had sustained in the death on the 5th inst. of Mr. B. Kelly. That his many endearing qualities his sound judgment and his splendid work as a director for many years would live long in the