TELEGRAMS:- Sutcliffe, Solicitor, Rawtenstall. TELEPHONE:- No. 107, Rawtenstall. 14, LORD STREET, Chas. E. Sutcliffe, RAWTENSTALL, SOLICITOR. Near Manchester, Commissioner for Oaths. 28 September 1918 Dear Sir, I beg to inform you that the Lancs. F.A. have adopted my scheme for the Senior Cup. All the matches in the Subsidiary Competition of the League (Lancs. Section) should be advertised as "Lancashire Cup Competition". I sincerely trust the change will invest the games with keen interest and rivalry and profit to the Clubs. In view of the fact that the F.A. cup is not being played for the Lancashire Cup games should be specially interesting. Yours faithfully Chas. E. Sutcliffe P. S. In a sense I was sorry to see of your resignation but trust it means more profitable work. But let us see you occasionally. Chas.