
SECRETARY: F. HARGREAVES.			42, Ainsworth Street,

Telephone 264.						Blackburn

							Sept 30/18.
			W. C. Cuff Esqre,

				Everton F.C.
		Dear Sir,

			Reference the Lancashire Junior Cup Competition,

			The Draw for the above named competition will be made on
		FRIDAY NEXT, if therefore you desire to compete along with the other
		War Combination Clubs, please forward your application by return of
		post. The Competition is to be played in Geographical districts.

			I should point out that if your Club and Liverpool F.C. do
		enter, you will not be allowed to play a player in both the Lancashire
		Cup and the Lancs Junior Cup Competitions.

			Please consider the whole matter and forward your reply to
		reach me by not later than THURSDAY NEXT,

							Yours truly,
								J. Hargreaves