249 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel October 1st 1918] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair Messrs H. Banks A. Coffey J. Davies J. G. Davies H. Halsall Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Kirsopp The Secretary having read letter from Wm. Kirsopp he was instructed to see Mr. H. Cutts (Cunard S.S. Co.) thereon. Mr. Jno. Davies Junr. reported the Lancashire Combination meeting at Wigan on the 27th inst. and arrangements were made to play home and away fixtures with (Mar 1) Monks Hall Home Jan 4 do Away " 25 Rylands Recn Home Feb 15 do Away and that the Reserves enter the Lancashire Junior Cup Competition and the first team that of the Lancashire Senr. Cup, the conditions where of are attached hereto. The games at home & Anfield were reported. The receipts last Saturday were reported as £395.2.9. The following payments were passed