
		[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel,
		August 11th 1916.]

Present		Dr. J. C. Baxter (Chair)
		Messrs	H. Banks
			A. Coffey
			J. G. Davies
			B. Kelly

Minutes		The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and

		Dr. Baxter reported that a deputation of players from
		our Club and Liverpool F.C. had attended on Mr. McKenna
		and himself requesting that they should be paid £1 per
		match during the forthcoming season.
		That Mr. McKenna and himself had promised to bring
		the matter before the Management Committee of the
		League at their next meeting and if they approved to
		lay same before the Football Association.
		The Directors agreed to support this proposition on the
		understanding that no player should absent himself
		from work in order to play football.

Private		It was decided to hold a private practice game on
Private game	Monday next at 7 pm.

Public Practice	The Second public practice match was fixed for Wednesday
matches		August 23rd and the Secretary was to inform Liverpool F.C.
		and ascertain if they had any objection. If Liverpool
 28th		objected then Monday the 28th inst. was to be the date
		for our second practice match.

		The prices of admission to the practice matches to be 3d. & 6d.