247 matches with the Blackpool R.A.M.C. subject to conditions set out in his letter of the 14th inst. to Mr. Downs as follows. Decr. 28th at Everton Feby. 22nd at Blackpool An application by Chorley for fixtures Jany. 4 at Chorley & Jan. 25 at Everton was declined on the ground of distance. Mr. J. G. Davies & the Secy. were deputed to attend the Combination Meeting at Wigan on the 29th inst. The Secretary was instructed to inform the Haymarket Ladies F.C. Committee that owing to depleted staff, we could as longer grant them the use of our ground &c. for training. A/cs The following a/cs were passed for payment Poor Rate £350.3.4 General Rate £190.0.1 Lanc. Senr. The Secretary submitted draft of scheme Cup herein submitted by Mr. C. E. Sutcliffe as set out on the attached sheets and it was resolved that same have our approval. A proposal by L'pool F.C. to play the County Cup Final at Goodison Park on Easter Monday on ante war terms was approved.