14 Lord Street Rawtenstall 18th September 1918. Dear Sir, I enclose copy proposed scheme I have submitted to the Lancashire Football Association with a view of reviving the Cup Competition for this season to provide funds to carry out the Lancashire Football Association's proposals for propaganda work in connection with Junior Football. The Juniors of today well trained and looked after will be the League players after the war. I have tried to devise a scheme which will help the Lancashire Football Association bring profit to the Clubs and yet will not interfere with present arrangements. It will be discussed by the Lancashire Football Association shortly and as the consent necessary the hands of the Lancashire F.A. will be of the Football Association will be ^ greatly strengthened if all the Clubs approve. Will you please bring same to the notice of your Directors and I shall be glad of an intimation that your Club will be prepared to take part in the Competition. Yours faithfully Chas. E. Sutcliffe