246 That he had paid D. Crossan's expenses of 10/6 Saturday's games were reported. Team v Mitchell South L'pool Thompson Robinson Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Cosgrove Jefferis Gault Clennell Donnachie v L'pool Lawson Res. Riley & Winders Cotter Nelson Parle Ledger S. S. White Simpson Christie Shepherd or Curtis Reserves Redford, Collins & Smith The Chairman's action in granting the Committee of the Mercantile Marine Fund to take up a Collection on Saturday was confirmed. Mr. Halsall conveyed an offer by Tranmere Rovers to provide opposition to us on Saturday should the Railway Strike prevent Southport Vulcan from visiting us was accepted with thanks. Director on Gate Mr. Halsall. " to L'pool Mr. J. G. Davies Mr. Cameron addressed the Board in Support of the Lord Mayors British Red Cross appeal and was informed that such appeal would have favorable consideration. The Secretary reported having arranged