245 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel September 25th 1918] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair Messrs H. Banks A. Coffey J. Davies J. G. Davies H. Halsall Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Kirsopp Having reported that Kirsopp had returned to Wellington Barracks the Secretary was instructed to write ascertaining his wishes as to release from service. Reports The Secretary reported. Receipts v L'pool Res. (less tax) 6.19. 9 Tax do 2. 5.11 ---------- 9. 5. 8 ---------- The payment of the tax was confirmed. Sale of Season tickets to 21st inst £2.0.0 Tax thereon 8.8 The payment of tax was confirmed. Receipts at Southport £50.14.5 20% due to & received by us £6.9.7 The receipt of letters of thanks from the Stanley & Bootle Hospitals & Hospital Saturday Fund for grants. That the F.A. had endorsed our approval of Shelbourne F.C. having the assistance of J. S. Maconnachie.