LONDON BASEBALL ASSOCIATION LTD. ANGLO AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE. 2, Savile Row, Burlington Gardens. W. I. 16th September 1918. W. C. Cuff Esq., 8, Cook Street, Liverpool. Dear Sir, Your favour of 14th inst. to hand and in reply will say that we will file same and will write you again on the matter as you desire in about two month's time. In the meantime I might say that our reason for wishing to take the grounds a year in advance is that we shall know the cities that will be represented in the League and we shall therefore be able to ascertain where and from what camps the teams will have to be drawn. As a favour to us I shall be pleased if you will do your best and let us know in the meantime if anything comes up, which will permit of us knowing whether or not we can arrange to have your grounds for next year. Yours faithfully, H. E. Booker answered 18/9/18