Officers. Telephone: GERRARD 566 R. NEWTON CRANE LONDON BASEBALL ASSOCIATION LTD., President. WILSON CROSS ANGLO-AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE, W. A. PARSONS Vice-Presidents W. E. MANDELICK 2, SAVILE ROW, Treasurer. BURLINGTON GARDENS, H. H. LUKENS LONDON, W. 1. Secretary. H. E. BOOKER Managing Director. too early to decide 5th September 1918 Not so far ahead W. C. Cuff Esq. Everton Football Club, 8, Cook Street, Liverpool. Dear Mr. Cuff, I am writing to enquire whether or not it would be possible for our League to rent your grounds for about 12 Satur- day dates between 15th May and 31st August 1919 at a flat rate similar to what we are paying at our other grounds, which amounts to £10 per game., with the understanding that there should be no other baseball matches there during the season. The League, next year, will be represented by Liver- pool, Manchester, Birmingham and Sheffield in the north, and by four teams in the South in the vicinity of London. I am sending you a statement on 31st of this month of the amount of money and the charities benefited by this League and I also might mention here that I am also turning over to you, in turn to be handed to the charity, a cheque value £100 for the charity you think most desirable in Liverpool. Thanking you for a prompt reply, Yours faithfully, H. E. Booker