11 A list of players to whom the Secretary had written asking whether their services would be available to us next season was read. Poor Rate The Assistant Secretary read a letter from Mr. H. P. Cleaver, Assessment Clerk to the Assessment Committee, enclosing notice in duplicate of objection to the increased assessment. The notices having been duly filled up were ordered to be sent to the Overseers of Walton and Mr. Cleaver respectively. Programme Also letter from Mr. Morton enclosing cheque for Tender £30.3.7 our one third share of the profits of the Programme Syndicate for season 1915-16 and applying for privileges for next season on similar terms as last season, namely, 33 1/3rd percent of the profits in lieu of rent. It was resolved that this tender be accepted. Season tickets Messrs C. Tinling & Co.'s estimate for supplying 700 & Fixture Cards Shareholders Season tickets and 9 Directors tickets at a cost of £13 and 500 Fixture Cards at £5.10.0 was accepted. s d Fern Dr. J. P. Nixon's account of 7/6 for professional services rendered to T. Fern was passed for payment. Fern's application for the use of the Dressing Room on Sunday next for the purpose of our players and Liverpool's players having a talk was granted. The Contractor (R. W. Burnard) having applied for a further payment on account of painting contract it was decided that he be paid a further £200 and cheque was signed for this