28 Aug. 232 arranged for a private trial game tomorrow (Friday) evening at 6.30 pm. and had selected 2 teams, and a second public practice match for Wednesday next at 6.30 pm. and it was resolved to hold the next meeting of the Directors on Wednesday the 28th inst. at Goodison Park after the game. The Ground Committee were requested to consider the question of increasing the ground staff and report to the next meeting. The Secretary reported that he had written to R. Turner accepting his offer of the services of Crossan and offering to play him on Saturday last, but that he had not received any reply. A letter of thanks from Kirkdale F.C. acknowledging the receipt of the donation of £10 was read. The Secretary reported that H. Wadsworth had intimated his intention to play for Liverpool next season. A letter from Sergeant Leadbetter late Bandmaster of the 8th Irish was read requesting the first refusal of the services of a Band he was forming in case we required such, and it was resolved to accede to his request. An invitation from the Irish F.A. to send a team to play in Belfast on October 12th in aid of Local War Charities were declined as impracticable. The Secretary was instructed to write to Burgess urging him to give us his services next season.