231 £23:10:0, had been obtained and submitted to the Chairman. His decision to discontinue the issue of fixture cards was confirmed and Tinlings estimate for Season Tickets accepted. Window It was resolved that the number of window bills to be Bills printed for each match be reduced to 150. Gwladys The Secretary was instructed to prepare notices for service Street on the tenants of Gwladys Street increasing the rents by the amount of increased rates. Second The Chairman reported his interview with Mr. McKenna Team upon an invitation to run a second team in a local competition to be named the Lancashire Combination and that he and Mr. McKenna had tentatively agreed to enter such competition provided that the status of the Clubs and all other matters relating to the proposed competition were approved of by Liverpool and ourselves. That a meeting of the Clubs was to be held at the Bee Hotel this evening and that we had promised to be represented. The Chairman's arrangement was confirmed and Mr. J. G. Davies appointed to represent the Club. League The Secretary reported that the amount received from the Contribution League for allocation amongst Local Charities was Scheme £103:15:2. It was resolved to increase this amount Allocation to £110 and allocate it was follows:- of Refund St. Dunstan's Hostel £60 British Red Cross Society (Local Fund) £40 Union of Boy's Clubs £10 Private trial game The Secretary reported that, as instructed, he had