
		[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel
		August 22nd 1918]

Present		W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair
		Messrs	H. Banks
			A. Coffey
			J. Davies
			J. G. Davies
			H. Halsall
			B. Kelly

Minutes		The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

		The Secretary reported that the Contractors would
		probably finish re-roofing the Goodison Road Double
		Decker Stand on Monday of next week and that 500
		additional slates to the 1000 mentioned at the last
		meeting had been obtained from Messrs J. B. Johnson.

Baseball	The Secretary presented statement of receipts and	
Games July	expenditure herein showing a balance of £12:1:6 on
27th & Aug. 3rd	the August 3rd game, which with the balance of
		£19:14:3 of the match on July 27th made a total
		of £31:15:9. The allocation of these sums was
		left with the Chairman after consultation with Dr.
		Commins of the American Army.

Bovrils		Bovrils tender of £8 for privileges for season 1918-19
Tender		was accepted.

Fixture Card	Tinling's quotation for Season Tickets etc. as follows:-
			654 Season Tickets	£23:15:0
			500 Fixture Cards	£10:10:0
		and Mills & Knight's tender for season tickets only