
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison park,
		July 25th 1916.]

Present		All the Directors except Dr. Baxter and Mr. Green.

		A deputation from the Liverpool Trades Council attended
		the meeting and expressed regret that the Contract for
		painting over Stands etc had been given to Messrs
		Burnand as this firm was an unfair shop and did
		not recognise Trade Union standards and conditions.
		The Chairman pointed out to the deputation that before
		Messrs Burnand's estimate was accepted we had ascertained
		that they had carried out contracts for the West Derby
		Board of Guardians and H. M. Government and with
		this knowledge we naturally concluded that they were
		a fully qualified firm and employed Trade Union labour.
		The Directors however gave the deputation the assurance
		that any future contract entered into by this Company
		would only be given to a Trade Union shop.

Minutes		The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

		The Chairman reported the Annual Meeting of the League
		held in Manchester on the 17th inst. and reviewed the
		business transacted.

Practice games	It was resolved that we hold 2 public and 1 private
		practice match, the first public practice match to be
		held on Saturday August 19th and the second on an
		evening of the following week.

		It was resolved that we advertise in the local press and
		the Athletic News for players for the coming season.