8 It was resolved that separate Ladies tickets be issued to Shareholders as usual and that the tax thereon be paid by special adhesive stamp. The Secretary was instructed to have the whole of the turnstiles overhauled and the registers turned to zero. Also to have fixture cards printed similar in pattern to those of last season and the requisite number of season tickets for sale to Shareholders only. Roll of Honour The Secretary read a letter from the Lord Mayor Fund acknowledging the receipt of the contribution of £100:3:6 from the Shareholders and £50 from the Directors of the Club. The payment of the sum of £200 to Mr. Burnand making a payment of £500 in all was confirmed. The Secretary read a letter from the Liverpool Trades Council dated June 26th complaining of our action in giving the work of painting etc. to a firm who did not recognise Trade Union Standards and conditions and requesting and interview with the Board by a deputation. The Secretary's reply of June 27th was approved and it was resolved that an interview be granted to the deputation of gentlemen named in their letter of the 26th ulto at the next meeting of the Directors. The payment of the Auditors fee of £42:5:9 was passed. Young The Secretary reported the receipt of cable as follows:- Young manslaughter 3 years expenses £200 Sawers.