Team v Mitchell
Liverpool Smith Robinson or Maconnachie
Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer
Wadsworth Jefferis Gault Gee Donnachie
Reserves - Collins, Cotter, Twiss.
v Stockport Mitchell
County Collins Robinson
Blackledge Maconnachie
Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer
Wadsworth Howarth Gault Twiss Burgess
Reserves - Jefferis, Cotter, Donnachie.
Director on gates Mr. Banks.
Tender for Messrs J. B. Johnson's tender for repairing
Roof roof of Goodison Road Stand was submitted
and it was resolved to accept such tender
of £276.10.0 on condition that that sum be
the fixed and ascertained cost.
Use of ground April 24 Catholic Finals
20 Union of Boys Final
Discharged & demobilised Soldiers
Subject to satisfactory result
of enquiry.
Apl. 9 L'pool Schools Final
Baseball match in aid of Mayor of Bootles
Comforts Fund any evening before May 18.
Football Natnl. The Secretary reported that if the expenses
War Fund of the games herein did not exceed 20% of
receipts application may be made for refund
of Entertainment Tax.