
Team	v			Mitchell
Bolton Wands.		Collins		Robinson
		    Fleetwood	Wareing		Grenyer
		Wadsworth  Jefferis  Gault  Clennell  Donnachie
		Reserves - Cotter & Wright.

Wareing		The Secretary was instructed to pay Wareing
		out week's Salary for loss of work owing to
		illness through football.

		The Secretary made an application for permission
		to transact the Company's business from an
		office, which he would be prepared to open, in
		town. After consideration the application
		was declined; permission however being granted
		to him to accept the offices of Secretary and
		Solicitor to the Retail Meat Traders Association
		which had been offered to him and to open an
		office in town for the transaction of his practice
		these concessions however to be subject to
		the efficient conduct of the Company's
		business and to the complete supervision of
		the Company's property and employees at Goodison
		Park it being definitely understood that
		whenever occasion demanded the interests of
		the Company be considered as of paramount
		importance. The Secretary accepted and
		thanked the Board for the concession in the
		terms stated.

		Linfield's application for Maconnachie's
		services was acceded to.

		The arrangement to play Sheffield United