7 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, July 4th 1916.] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter and Mr. Green. Minutes The Minutes of the Annual meeting of June 6th and of the two meetings of Directors of the same date were read and confirmed. League The Chairman and Secretary were appointed to represent Annual Meeting the Club at the Annual Meeting of the League to be held at Manchester on Monday, July 17th, with full powers. The payment of the Annual Subscription to the League Ten guineas was confirmed. Nominations to It was resolved that the present Members of the Management Management Committee be re-nominated. Committee Entertainment The Secretary read the application to pay the new Tax Entertainments Duty on the basis of certified returns instead of using Government tickets or stamps and the same was confirmed. The Chairman (Mr. Clayton) having offered his name as surety to the Bond to be given for the security of the duty and compliance with the conditions of such application, it was unanimously resolved that Mr. Clayton be indemnified in respect of such Bond by the Company. A copy of the form of application with the conditions are annexed hereto. The question as to whom the burden of the tax is to fall upon was considered and whilst the view was expressed that same should be borne by the public the action of the Club would be guided largely by the decision of the League.