186 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel February 12th 1918.] Present B. Kelly Esq. Chair Messrs H. Banks J. Davies J. G. Davies H. Halsall Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Bribery The Secretary read letter of the 5th inst. from Mr. Sutcliffe. Thompson This player's progress was further reported & the a/c of Nursing Home charges £9.2.1 passed for payment. The game v Rochdale was reported. The receipts at Rochdale & at Everton were reported and the various payments passed as hereunder Receipts at Rochdale 70 15 10 Our share 8 15 3 Receipts at Everton 297 4 10 Entertainment Tax 69 2 9 League 4% 8 9 - do 1% 2 2 3 Rochdale's share 40 2 9 net to them £31.7.6. Use of ground The ground was granted for Saturday next for the final tie of the Concannon Scouts Cup