
		[Meeting of Directors held at the Hotel St. George, June 6th

Present		All the Directors except Dr. Baxter and Mr. Green.

		Mr. W. R. Clayton was unanimously elected to the Chair.

		It was unanimously resolved that the following Committees
		be appointed:-

			Finance -	Messrs. A. Coffey (Chairman) J. G. Davies,
					E. Green and B. Kelly

			Ground -	Messrs. B. Kelly (Chairman) H. Banks,
					J. Davies and H. Halsall

			Stores and }	Messrs. H. Banks, J. C. Baxter, J. G. Davies
			Advertising}	and E. Green

		The Chairman to be exofficio on all Committees.

Quorum		It was resolved that four Directors form a quorum.

Day & Hour	The consideration of this matter was deferred.
of Meeting

Next Meeting	Left to be arranged as necessity may require.

	July 4th 1916					W. R. Clayton