167 Directors to Preston - Messrs Coffey & Jno. G. Davies v Liverpool Mitchell Dec 25 Smith ? Robinson Jefferis Wareing Grenyer Murray Lovelady Wright Twiss Burgess Dce 26 Mitchell Riley Robinson Jefferis Wareing Grenyer Murray or Bain Gault Wright Clennell Donnachie Invite the player who played Right Back for Brynn v Everton at Brynn and left half back for Brynn v Everton at Everton. Director on gate 26th - Mr. Banks. Next meeting Decr. 26 after game. The Secretary was instructed to draw the attention of the Manager of the L'pool Tramways to the apparent inadequacy of the service of cars to our ground on Match days. Transfer of Joseph Breen to Geo. Imrie Shares one fully paid share 2260 one part paid do 748 Ernest Breen to Hy. Atherton Junr. 3 part pd. shares 558, 2124/5. Wm. Dunning (declaration) to Hy. Goulbourne 3 part pd. shares Thos. E. Breen to John Wallace 1 fully pd. share 2371 1 part paid share 557