
		The Chairman read to the Shareholders a letter from the
		Auditors intimating that having regard to the serious loss
		of income sustained by the Club during season 1915-16
		owing to the fact of the War, they proposed making a
		rebate of Ten guineas from the fee which was authorised
		at the last Annual Meeting and that subject to the
		approval of the Directors they (the Auditors) in the event
		of their re-appointment would be content to accept a
		reduced fee of Forty guineas during the continuance of
		the War.

		The Chairman in leaving the matter in the hands of the
		Shareholders warmly eulogised the action of the Auditors
		and the Shareholders in accepting the proposal testified
		their appreciation of such voluntary action.

		Mr. William Green proposed, Mr. Joseph Hunt seconded
		and Mr. George Mitchell supported and it was unanimously
		resolved that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to the
		Directors for their services.

		The Chairman having acknowledged same declared
		the meeting at an end.

	July 4th 1916					W. R. Clayton