156 Medal The Sanction of the L'pool County F.A. to this Tournament tournament had been obtained. The engagement to play Clock Face at Clock Face on the 8th prox. was confirmed. The games at Home & at Brynn were reported. Team v Mitchell Bury Thompson Robinson Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Murray Jefferis Gault Clennell Donnachie Reserve Stewart v Brynn Pritchard or Lawrence Guttridge Riley Dailey Cordall Caine Redford Lovelady Railton Twiss Cross Reserves McDonald Ashton & Gregson. Director to Bury Mr. Banks at Home Messrs Coffey, J. Davies, J. G. Davies Halsall & Kelly. Next meeting Novr. 27th at 3pm. at Bradford Hotel. 64.6.5 The Revd. J. P. Baines attended to convey the 20 thanks of the Military Authorities for the use of the ground tomorrow. It was subsequently resolved that the club defray the expenses incidental to the game.