3 [Annual Meeting of Shareholders held at the Central Hall, Renshaw Street. Liverpool, June 6th 1916.] W. R. Clayton Esq. Presiding The Secretary having read the notice convening the meeting it was resolved that the press be admitted. The Statement of accounts and Balance Sheet were taken as read. The Secretary read the Auditors report on the accounts and balance sheet to the Shareholders. The Chairman in moving the approval and passing of the statement of accounts and balance sheet reviewed the work accomplished by the Club during the past season in the furtherance of both Charity and Sport and Mr. B. Kelly seconding the proposition it was unanimously resolved that the report, balance sheet and statement of accounts be approved and passed. The Chairman declared Messrs J. c. Baxter, E. Green and B. Kelly re-elected to the Directorate for the ensuing period of three years. Mr. Halsall proposed, Mr. Coffey seconded and it was unanimously resolved that a Dividend of 5 percent be declared free of income tax on paid up capital. Mr. J. G. Davies proposed, Mr. Henry Banks seconded and it was unanimously resolved that Messrs T. Theodore Rogers Bowler & Co. be re-appointed Auditors to the Company at a fee of Fifty Guineas.