152 trial in our A team, that Guttridge who played for Liverpool A did very well. The Secretary was instructed to ask him to sign a League form and to obtain from D. G. Ashworth Curtis' address & invite him to play for us at Oldham on Saturday. The Secretary reported that the receipts on Saturday were £275.0.6 and that the Collection taken by the Red Cross Society for the Our Day Fund realized £7.3.5¾. The following payments were passed. Entertint. tax on receipts £64. 6.10 " Season Tickets 3. 8 League Contribn. 4% 7.15. 6 do 1% 1.18.10 Stockport County 20% 36.18. 8 Team v Mitchell Oldham A. Thompson Robinson Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Curtis Jefferis Gault Clennell Donnachie Reserves:- Guttridge Stewart Twiss Redford Failing Curtis Donnachie O/R & Wright O/L. Directors to Oldham Messrs Banks & J. G. Davies. Next Meeting Novr. 13th at 3pm. at Bradford Hotel. Several applications for the use of our ground were declined. B. Kelly