
[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel October
		30th 1917]

Present			W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair
			Messrs	H. Banks
				J. C. Baxter
				A. Coffey
				J. Davies
				J. G. Davies
				H. Halsall
				B. Kelly

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting were read &

Sportsmen's	The Chairman reported that the suggestion
Ambce. Fund	of a tournament on the lines mentioned
		was favorably received at a conference of
		the clubs and that details were in process
		of settlement.

Reports		The gross receipts at Stockport on Saturday
		were reported at £97.9.0 and the 20% of
		net receipts due us at £12.8.0.

		The games at Stockport and Ormskirk
		were reported.

		The Secretary submitted an application
		from J. S. Maconnachie for financial
		assistance and it was resolved that
		where the necessity therefor arose a further
		loan of £15 be made to him on the Security
		now lodged with the Company.