146 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel October 23rd 1917] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair Messrs H. Banks J. C. Baxter A. Coffey J. Davies J. G. Davies H. Halsall B. Kelly Minutes The minutes of the last meeting and of the Finance Meeting were read & confirmed. Sportsmen's The Suggestion of the Chairman to call Ambulance a conference of the Everton, L'pool, S. L'pool Fund & Tranmere Rovers to arrange a medal competition in aid of the Sportsmen's Ambulance Fund was adopted. Reports The games at Manchester & Thatto Heath were reported. Messrs Coffey & Halsall reported the Newton v St. Helens Athletic game. That Gutteridge & Riley fullbacks were the pick of the players on view. French very fair Lawrence fair Barton V. G. but 30 years of age. The Secretary reported that The receipts at Manchester were £245.10.11 & our share there of £33.12.8 leaving a balance of £22.13.10 due from us to them to square a/cs. Payment thereof passed