139 last wages: also Williams his training expenses for last week. The Secretary was instructed to have the price plates altered at a cost of 35/-. Use of ground The use of our ground was granted to the Committee on the 21st or 22nd prox. for a game for the benefit of Belgian Soldiers. An application for the use of the ground on the morning of Decr. 26 by the L & N. W. Ry for the War Seats Foundation was declined. An invitation to arrange games with neighbour- ing clubs in the Lancashire Combination was accepted. Team v Mitchell L'pool Thompson Robinson Williams Fleetwood Grenyer Kirsopp or Murray Jefferis Gault Clennell Donnachie Reserves Stewart Cordell Twiss Redford Next Meeting Octr. 9 at 3 pm. at Bradford Hotel Transfer of Rowland Harper Junr. to Harold E. Clayton Shares 3 Part paid share 2082/2084 Henry Harper to Bertram Clayton 3 Part paid shares 133, 441 and 806 Rowland Harper to Wm. R. Clayton 3 Part paid shares 1691 to 1693 Jno. McConnell to Wm. R. Clayton 3 Part paid shares 1744 to 1746.