136 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Septr. 25th 1917] Present W. R. Clayton Esq Chair Messrs H. Banks J. C. Baxter A. Coffey J. Davies J. G. Davies H. Halsall B. Kelly Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Mitchell The payment of £2.8.0 to F. Mitchell in respect of loss of work through football injury was confirmed. The Secretary was instructed to pay R. Thompson and J. Fleetwood the further sums of 2/8 and 5/4 respectively in respect of last weeks meeting. The payment of the following a/cs was passed General rates £142. 5.1 Poor Rates £286.10.0 Jacks £ 10. 5.0 Sportsmen's The chairman reported the conference Ambulance with Messrs McKenna & Williams of Fund Liverpool & that it had been arranged that collections be taken at Everton and Liverpool on the 29th inst. & 6th prox. and that at the conclusion of the latter game it would