129 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, September 4th 1917] Present W. R. Clayton Chair Messrs H. Banks J. G. Davies H. Halsall B. Kelly Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Practice The Secretary read letters of thanks from the game Treasurers of the Stanley Hospital & Saturday Fund. Gambling The Secretary read his letter to Mr. Tomlinson Prosecution & reported the visit of Chief Inspector Gillanders who stated that apart from the duty of the Directors to prosecute offenders the constables on duty were authorised to take instructions from their own superior officers only, except in very exceptional cases, & that heretofore plain clothes constables had visited our matches as an act of favor, and he wished to know if we were prepared to pay for their services should Mr. Tomlinson feel disposed to grant them. The Secretary was instructed to reply that our complaint was that neither the constable nor sergeant, when requested, seemed inclined to accompany the directors concerned when the case of gambling was reported to them: that arrangements must be made that the inspector in charge station himself in a previously ascertained spot in case of a report having to be made to him: that we were not prepared to