
		An invitation from the West Monmouth F.A. to
		compete in their Cup Competition was declined.

Complimentary	Resolved that the following Complimentary
Tickets		Season tickets be granted.
		B. Stand self & lady to players & staff
	  S. & L.  J. McDonald	Self  W. Dehann	  Self  J. Doyle
	  S. & L.  E. A. Jump	  "   T. Baines	   "    J. Gregson
	  Self     E. Grainger	  "   M. Landries  "	A. Cannadyne ?
	   "	   R. Baxendale	  "   W. Higham	   "	F. Knight
	   "	   E. French	  "   W. Walsh	   "	E. Saunders
	   "	   D. Knight	  "   Sutherland   "	J. Parkes
	   "	   J. Delaney	  "   Deam	   "	   Mahon
	   "	   McGibbon	      McArt

	   "	12 For Liverpool F. C. players.
	   "	1 For Programme Syndicate.
		A stand self 10 for Directors L'pool F.C., 1 Secy.,
		2 to London City & Midland Bank, 2 to our
		Auditors, one each to Assistant Building
		Surveyor, Inland Revenue Officer, Customs & Excise
		Officer, Supt. Tomlinson, H. Hasson, E. W. James,
		G. Manners, W. W. Kelly, A. Berrington, J. Watson.
		Self & lady tickets to H. Cutts, J. T. Lloyd, J. 
		Stevenson, T. Dean, R. McNamara & Simpson.

		The Secretary was instructed to place Jos. Smith
		in charge of the Heating arrangements on
		match days and to write Superintendent
		Tomlinson with reference to the arrest on the
		ground last Saturdays of persons gambling.

Sept. 4th 1917				W. R. Clayton