123 Store Cistern The acceptance of Messrs Killick & Cochran's tender for store cistern at the Price of £23.10.0. Season Tickets Messrs Tinling's tender for Season Tickets and & Fixture cards Fixture Cards at the price of £ Wire Guards And Messrs Jack's tender for wire guards at the price of £10.5.0 were confirmed. Ventilation of This matter was left in the hands of the Dressing rooms Ground Committee. Practice game The Selection of August 25th for our public practice game was confirmed. Prices 3 & 6d. as before. Reports The Secretary reported that J. Smith J. Smith & R. McNeal had removed to Mansfield. J. Morris James Morris and Lymer & the full back he spoke of had Joined the army and that consequently would not be available Bull That it was very probable that we would have the services of Bull of Tranmere Rovers. The Secretary was authorized to dispose of an accumulation of used paper and documents. Entertain- The Secretary submitted a pamphlet from the ments Tax Customs & Excise setting out the conditions applicable to the payment of Duty otherwise than by the use of stamped tickets. St. Dunstans The Secretary read letter from Sir Arthur Pearson re Everton F.C. Bed and it was resolved to accept his offer to name a bed at West House