
		[Annual Meeting of Shareholders held at
		The Common Hall Hackins Hey June 15 1917]

			W. R. Clayton Esq. Presiding.

		The Secretary having read the Notice
		convening the meeting it was resolved
		that the Press be admitted.

		It being resolved that the Statement of A/cs
		& Balance Sheet be taken as read.
		The Secretary read the Auditors Report to
		the Shareholders on the A/cs & Balance Sheet.

		The Chairman reviewed the work of the
		club during Season 1916/17 and the prospects
		of football during 1917/18 and paid a
		tribute of praise to the players of our club
		& of other clubs for their wholehearted and
		valuable assistance and having proposed
		Mr. Coffey seconded and it was resolved
		that the Report Balance Sheet and A/cs
		be approved and passed.

		The Chairman declared
			Messrs	H. Banks
				J. Davies
				H. Halsall
		re-elected to the Directorate for the ensuing
		three years.

		Mr. Kelly proposed Mr. Halsall seconded
		and it was resolved that a Dividend of
		5% free of income tax be declared on paid