		James Roy had been killed in action
		and that R. Parker was recovering from
		his wounds.

Divisional	Resolved that Dr. J. C. Baxter be renominated
Representn.	Divisional Representative to the F. A.

River Trips	The Secretary read an application for the
& Entertmts.	use of the ground on July 21st for a
for Wounded	Gymkhana in aid of the funds & it was
		resolved that the Chairman & Secretary
		confer with L'pool F. C. on the matter it
		being felt that it would be preferable to
		make a donation than to risk the function
		proving a failure through the weather.

Next meeting	Wednesday June 20th at 3 p.m. at the
		Bradford Hotel.
June 20th 1917					W. R. Clayton