							The Everton Football Club Company Ltd.


							  For Year ending 30th April, 1917.

		 1917.		EXPENDITURE.						 1917.				INCOME.
		April 30th.					 £    s.   d.		April 30th.					 £   s.   d.
		To Medical Fees, Players' Accident Insurance,				By Gate Receipts ... ... ... ... ... ...       7015  16   1
			&c. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...		 43   16   2		 " Season Tickets... ... ... ... ... ...	 53   0   4
		 " Gate Division to Visitors... ... ...		122   12   8		 " Advertising Contractors for Programmes,
		 " Travelling Expenses  ... ... ... ...		365    6   7		    Hoardings and Refreshments   ... ...	114  11   7
		 " Advertising, Billposting, Printing and				 " Share Transfer Fees.. ... ... ... ...	  2   2   6
			Stationery  ... ... ... ... ...		156   12   4
		 " Gate Expenses, Checkers, &c..... ...		395   18   1
		 " Training Expenses and Trainers' Wages...	341    8   1
		 " Ground Expenses and Groundsmen's
		    Wages       ... ... ... ... ... ...		485   18   3
		 " National Health Insurance... ... ...		  3    0   9
		 " Rates, Taxes, Lighting, Water, Telephone,
		    Insurance, &c.. ... ... ... ... ...	       1109    0   9
		 " Entertainment Tax... ... ... ... ..	       1036   11   0
		 " Office Expenses, Secretary's Salary,
		    Postages, &c. ... ... ... ... ....	...	487   15   6
		 " Bank Interest and Commission ... ...	...	406    7   7
		 " Clothing, Material and Stores.. ... ...      100    1   1
		 " League and other Subscriptions, Contri-
		    butions, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ...	542   10   2
		 " Accountancy Charges   ... ... ... ...	 42    5   9
		 " Bad Debts written off ... ... ... ...	 74    2   5
		 " Balance to Profit and Loss Account...       1472    3   4
								_______________								_______________
							      £7185   10   6								£7185 10    6
								_______________								________________


							    For Year ending 30th April, 1917.

		  1916.									 1916.
		 June 7th.					 £     s.    d.		April 30th.					£   s.    d.
		To Dividend declared this day at 5 per cent.				By Surplus at this date as per Certified
		   per annum free of Income Tax  ... ...	 97    7     6		   Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... ...	      16701   15    1
		  1917.									 1917.
		April 30th.								April 30th.
		 " Depreciation now written						By Income from Gwladys-street  Property		275    3    2
		     off Stands, &c., 10%    ... ... ...	968    6    10		 " Amount of Income in excess of
		 " Balance carried forward.. ... ... ...      17383    7     3		    Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ...	       1472    3    4
							     __________________							      ________________
							     £18449    1     7							     £18449    1    7
							    ___________________							     _________________