109 Forward 17. 14. 3 Telephone a/c. Trunk fees 18/8 & 3/9½ 1. 2. 6 ---------- 18. 16. 9 ========== Everton & Leeds City The Secretary submitted statement of receipts & expenditure herein shewing that the act. amount for division between Leeds & L'pool Charities to be £132.6.6. The payments of the several items of expenditure were explained & approved and cheque for £66.3.3 to Leeds City sanctioned. League Contribn.The Secretary reported that the sum of £127.8.11 Scheme representing 2½% of the net receipts of our games during the season was returnable to the club by the League for distribution amongst Local Charities, that of this sum, £65.12.8 had been received by as leaving £61.16.3 still due. The allocation of the above sum of £127.8.11 and of £66.3.3 our share of the net receipts of the Leeds City match to Local organisations was deferred. Directors The retiring Directors Messrs H. Banks, J. Davies election and H. Halsall intimated their willingness to seek re-election at the Annual Meeting. F. A. Annual The Secretary reported that the F. A. annual Meeting meeting would be held at the F. A. offices on June 4th 1917 at 5 pm. The Chairman mentioned that he would be in London on that date & he was accordingly requested to represent the club.