
	     4.	That the Statement of a/cs. Balance Sheet and
		Profit & Loss a/c. be approved.
	     5.	That a dividend of 5% on paid up capital (free
		of income tax) be recommended.
	     6.	That the Annual Meeting be held on the 15th day
		of June 1917 at 8 p.m. at the Common Hall Hackins
		Hey Liverpool.
	     7.	That Footballs Fund a/c. be credited and Donations
		a/c. debited in the Books with the sum of £1.10.3.
	     8.	That no proxies be issued by the club and
		that admission to the meeting be on presentation
		of Balance Sheet.
	     9.	That the Balance sheets be issued from the
		offices of the Co. by the Secretary.

		The Secretary produced vouchers for payments
		made since last meeting of the Finance Committee
		amounting to £97.7.5 and same were checked
		and passed.

		The following a/cs. were passed for payment
		Footballs Fund a/c.
			F. Sugg Ltd.			5.  2. 0
		Stores a/c.
			D. Kirkwood			1.  5. 8
		Lighting Heating a/c.
			Marsh		   15.  0
			Gas Co.		2. 16.  4	3. 11. 4
		Ground a/c.
		  Corish & Woodcock	2.  5. 10
		  Perrin Hughes		   19.  4
		  O. & D. Williams	3. 17.  4	7.  2. 6
		Office a/c.
			J. L. Jackson			   12. 9
							17. 14. 3