
	[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel May
		24th 1917.]

Present				W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair
				Messrs	H. Banks
					A. Coffey
					J. Davies
					J. G. Davies
					E. Green
					H. Halsall
					B. Kelly.

Annual a/cs.	The Secretary presented the Income and
		Expenditure, Profit & Loss a/cs. and Balance
		Sheet for the year ending April 30th 1917 and
		the same were explained in detail by Mr. H.
		The following resolutions were passed:-
	     1.	That the amount due from Sundry Debtors be
		valued for the purposes of the Balance Sheet
		at £148.9.10 on open a/cs. it being reported that
		they consisted of
		The League 2½% due Apl. 30th	61. 10. 11.
		  do. Bal. of amt. due 31/12/16.     5.  4.
		   D. Allen & Sons		40
		   J. S. Maconnachie		10.  0.  0.
		   T. A. Morton			35. 12.  1.
		   Gwladys St. rents		 1.  1.  6.
		That the sum of £74.2.5 due from Chelsea F. C. be
		written off in the Books as doubtful.
	     2.	That a depreciation of 10% be written off stands
		Hoardings & erections amounting to £968.6.10.
	     3.	That the amount expended on Clothing material
		and stores £100.1.1 be written off against Income
		& Expenditure a/c.