104 Crewe between the Boiler shop & fitting shop of the L & N. W. R. Co. & that the left back Hinton was worthy of a trial. The gates L'pool v Everton Dec. 25 & Apl. 6 at Goodison Park less tax 408. 18. 4 at L'pool 384. 2. 4 making a total of 793. 0. 8 share due each club 396. 10. 4 Retained by Everton 408. 18. 4 Amount due L'pool F. C. 12. 8. 0 It was resolved that cheque for £12.8.0 be sent to Liverpool F. C. The gates Stockport & Everton Apl. 9 and 28 at Everton less tax & % 193. 15. 5 at Stockport 64. 2. 5 making a total of 257. 17.10 share due each 128. 18.11 Retained by Stockport 64. 2. 5 Due Stockport 64. 16. 6 Cheque for £64.16.6 was ordered to be sent to Stockport c. F. C. Charity Match The Secretary was directed to intimate that Shareholder Season ticket holders would be admitted to their usual seats on production of season tickets & payment of 1/- each person. Heating The Secretary was instructed to ask apparatus Messrs Fletcher Russell to send a practical representative to Goodison Park on Monday at 2.30 to confer with Messrs Banks, J. G. Davies & Kelly on an up to date