98 fee of Four guineas. May 5th The Secretary reported that Glasgow Rangers were unable to accept an invitation to play as on May 5th & that he was waiting a reply from Sheffield United. Team v Fern Liverpool Smith Thompson Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Murray Jefferis Gault Clennell Donnachie Reserves Mitchell & Williams. It was resolved to accede to a request from Clock Face F.C. to play them a benefit game at Clock Face for their trainer & to offer next Saturday to send the following team. Kelly Brown Gutteridge Northey Keddie Dale Bain Peet Wright Twiss Manley Reserves:- McDonald Challinor Snape. Director on gate Mr. H. Banks. Next meeting April 24th at Bradford Hotel. The Secretary was instructed to offer to play Liverpool an A team game on the 28th inst: failing such to grant the use of the ground to Harland & wolf F.C. An application by the Mayor of Bootle for a donation to the Ambulance Fund was read