1 [Meeting of Directors held at the Hotel St. George, June 6th 1916.] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter and Mr. Green. Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. It was resolved that Dr. Baxter be nominated for Division 3 of the F.A. The Secretary read letter from the Auditors intimating that they proposed to make a rebate of Ten guineas from the fee which was authorised at the last Annual Meeting and that subject to the approval of the Board they would be content to accept Forty guineas during the continuance of the War. The Secretary presented vouchers for payments made since the 30th April amounting to £34:8:0 and the same were checked and passed. The following accounts were passed for payment:- Corish & Woodcock 12:3 J. W. Morton 6 S. Clarkson 2:16:0 Aird & Anderson 2:9 F. Sugg 1: 1:0 Hygienic Co. 18:0 Marsden 13:3 R. P. Ker 1: 8:6 7:12:3 W. McCall 4:14:9 Telephone Co. 14:6 _______ Forward £13:1:6