
	[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel
		April 3rd 1917.]

Present		W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair
		Messrs	H. Banks
			J. C. Baxter
			A. Coffey
			J. Davies
			J. G. Davies
			H. Halsall
			B. Kelly

Minutes		The Minutes of last meeting were read &

		The matches at Goodison Park & Ormskirk
		were reported.

		The Secretary having won the toss his proposal
		to invite Celtic here on May 5 was approved.

Team	v			Fern
L'pool			Smith		Thompson
Apl. 6		   Fleetwood	Wareing	   Williams
		Murray  Jefferis  Gault  Twiss  Manley
		Reserves  Mitchell  Stewart  Grenyer 
		Clennell  Donnachie.

do. Apl. 7			Fern
			Hunter		Thompson
		   Fleetwood	Wareing		Grenyer
		Murray  Jefferis  Gault  Clennell  Donnachie
		Reserves  Mitchell  Stewart & Williams