82 Willington full back 5 feet 8 ins., 10 stone 8 lbs, 18 years of age, also Sample centre forward. The Secretary was instructed to send Settle to see Travis the Darlington centre forward play on Saturday and report. Morgan Mr. Clayton promised to have a report of this (Bargoed) player for next meeting. Ratcliffe John Fare reported his visit to Worcester but that Ratcliffe was not playing through indisposition. As Worcester would be playing Walsall at Walsall next Saturday, Mr. Halsall and John Fare were deputed to visit the match and report upon the play of Ratcliffe and on the play of Campsey, formerly full back but now playing centre forward, also Cook the right full back of Walsall. The Trainer made his report. The matches against Manchester United were also reported. Team v Fern Bolton Simpson Maconnachie Wanderers Fleetwood Galt Makepeace Chedgzoy Jefferis Parker Clennell Palmer Team v Bromilow Bolton Page Stewart Wanderers Res. Brown Wareing Grenyer Houston Nuttall Kirsopp Roberts Harrison