75 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, October 20th 1914.] Present All the Directors except Mr. Green. Minutes The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Ireland The Secretary reported that Ireland could be seen play at Northampton on Saturday next and Messrs Coffey and Halsall were deputed to witness that match and report thereon. Clark Mr. Halsall’s offer to obtain an independent report on this player was accepted. McLeod Mr. Coffey and the Secretary reported their visit to Leeds on Saturday last and that on the ground of age they could not recommend this player – it was stated that Leeds City asked £2000 for his transfer. Liddell John Fare reported his visit to Gateshead and could not recommend this player. It was resolved to take no action. Financial The Secretary reported that the sum of £10.7.9 Assistance had been deducted from players wages in accordance Scheme with the scheme and that he had received new Agreements for signature by himself and the players embodying the rearrangement of wages. Puddefoot West Ham having replied that £2500 would not tempt them to transfer this player – it was resolved