70 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, October 12th 1914.] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Ireland The Chairman reported the visit of himself and colleagues to Southampton on Saturday last and was so unfavorably impressed with his abilities that they entered into no negotiations whatever for his transfer. It was therefore resolved that nothing further be done in the matter meantime, but that opportunity be taken of seeing him play again in the near future and the Secretary was instructed to mention the matter at the next Meeting. Clark The Secretary reported having seen Mr. Ferguson who promised to see this player play and to give a report thereon. McLeod Mr. Coffey and the Secretary were deputed to visit Leeds on Saturday next and report on this player. Sidebottom John Fare reported his visit to Willington but could & Pirt not recommend Sidebottom – considered Ashurst the better back of the two but not fit for engagement. That Pirt showed promise and should be kept in view and seen again early in the new year. Nixon The play of Nixon the Linfield inside right at Birmingham on Wednesday last was favorably reported upon and the Secretary was instructed to