Proposed Scheme to ensure the continuance of the League Competition to the end of the Season. 1.—All Clubs shall by mutual arrangement with their players reduce the wages of the professional players as follows :— Players receiving £5 per week ... ... ... ... ... 15% 3/- " " £4 10s. per week ... ... ... ... 12½% 2/6 in £ " " £4 per week ... ... ... ... ... 10% 2/- " " £3 and under £4 per week... ... ... 7½% 1/6 " " £2 and under £3 per week... ... ... 5% 1/- 2.—The Clubs to remit the amount of such reductions to the Secretary of the League by cheque the day such deductions are made. 3.—The amounts so received to form a fund for the financial assistance of Clubs unable to carry out their obligations to players. 4.—The administration of such Fund to be in the hands of the Management Committee or a duly authorised Sub-Committee. 5.—Clubs receiving assistance from such Fund will not be allowed to increase their financial burdens either by engaging additional players or obtaining the transfer of players. 6.—If any such Clubs desire to transfer a player, the consent of the Management Committee must be obtained, and the latter shall have power to withhold such consent unless a sum stipulated by them be paid out of such fee to the Fund created for the purpose of this scheme. N. B.—-As this portion of the scheme affects the players almost entirely, it is pointed out that all deductions from players’ wages will be used for the payment of players’ wages. It is merely a readjust- ment whereby the more fortunate players assist the continuance of the Competition, and thereby assist the players of poorer and hard-pressed Clubs. Unless this or some other scheme to assist the Clubs is agreed upon, the Second Division Competition can not continue long, and probably about 500 professional players will be thrown out of employment. With their largely-reduced incomes every Club will suffer, but many of our Clubs can confidently expect to go through the season. Their reduced incomes will mean economy and sacrifice, but the Committee feel that the strong Clubs must come to the help of the weak, and thus magnify the true League spirit of helping one another. The Committee therefore suggest as a ready method of carrying such proposal into effect the following additions to the scheme :- 7.—Each home Club shall pay to the visiting Club immediately after the match 10% of the ground admission money received at such match. Ground admission money means 6d. for each adult paying to enter the ground, stands, or enclosure, and 3d. for each boy or lady where half-price is charged. After full consideration the Management Committee feel that this is the only principle which could be suggested to meet with general acceptance. This reasonable readjustment of gate receipts would be of assistance to Clubs in carrying out their financial obligations, and would be a contribution commensurate with the sacrifice of the players. Any principle contained herein would not be obligatory after the end of the present season. N. B.—If the Scheme is adopted the portion referring to the percentage payable by the Clubs will operate as from the 1st September.