64 passed for payment. The Secretary reported having submitted to the F.A. the details of the proposed Scheme to augment the fund for the Relief of Soldiers &c. Use of Ground The ground was granted on the 28th prox. for a semi final tie of the L'pool Hospital Cup Competition. Transfer of Geo. Brown to James Lawson. Shares 3 15/- shares 904 to 906 Frank Sugg to Ewart Griffiths 3 15/- shares 1453 to 1455 Declaration & indemnity in lieu of lost scrip Jno. Jones to James Wm. Gibbins 3 15/- shares 567 to 569. Passed. The Secretary reported the Selection of T. Fleetwood as right half v Irish League on Oct. 7 at West Bromwich. Settle having recommended Sidebottom left back and Pirt centre forward of Willington Athletic he was instructed to follow them up and report further as to their play. Octr. 6 1914 W. R. Clayton